AST101 Fundamentals of Astronomy
AST201 Current Topics in Astronomy
BIO103 Consumer Nutrition
BIO105 Survey of Human Anatomy & Physiology
BIO109 Survey of Biology
BIO141 Survey of Microbiology
BIO151 General Biology I
BIO152 General Biology II
BIO204 Introduction to Public Health
BIO205 General Ecology
BIO210 Bird Biology
BIO241 Cell Biology
BIO242 Molecular Genetics
BIO251 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO252 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO281 Microbiology
CHM106 Survey of Chemistry
CHM109 Chemistry for the Health Sciences I
CHM151 General Chemistry I
CHM152 General Chemistry II
CHM251 Organic Chemistry I
CHM252 Organic Chemistry II
CSC105 Computer Programming I: Python
CSC110 Computer Programming I: Java
CSC120 Computer Programming I: C++
CSC130 Computer programming II: Java
ENR103 Introduction to Robotics
ENR106 3D Design & Analysis I
ENR107 3D Design and Analysis II
ENR201 Statics
ENR202 Dynamics
ENR204 Circuit Theory I
ENR205 Circuit Theory II
ENR206 Quality Manufacturing
ENR207 Materials Science
ENR208 Thermodynamics
ENR209 Strength of Materials
ENV101 Survey of Environmental Technology
ENV115 Environmental Chemistry
ENV118 Intro to Environmental Science
ENV120 Intro to Environmental Science (lecture)
ENV125 Coastal Ecology
ENV127 Projects in Coastal Ecology
ENV135 Coastal Zone Management Laws and Regulations
ENV165 Renewable Energy, Climate & Careers
ENV201 Environmental Instrumentation
ENV260 Environmental Tech Internship/Coop Experience (1–4 credits)
ESC101 Introduction to Earth Science
ESC105 Fundamentals of Oceanography
HOR101 Plant & Soil Science
HOR102 Entomology & Plant Diseases
HOR103 Woody Plant Identification & Culture
HOR201 Herbaceous Plant Identification & Culture
HOR202 Landscape Design & Construction
MAT150 Elementary Statistics
MAT175 College Algebra
MAT195 Precalculus with Trigonometry
MAT240 Calculus I
MAT245 Linear Algebra
PHY106 Survey of Physics
PHY151 Physics I
PHY152 Physics II
PHY211 University Physics I
PHY212 University Physics II
SCI100 Study Abroad: Ecotoursim (1 credit)
SCI150 Scientific Writing & Presentation
SCI261 Cooperative Work Experience in the Natural Sciences (1–4 credits)