Academic Information
Cape Cod Community College offers a wealth of resources to assist you in successfully completing your educational objectives. We encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity to advance your educational and career goals. In this section, you will learn about earning credit for prior learning, special study offerings, academic standards and policies, and transfer opportunities.
Once you enroll at the College…
You will need to take skills assessment tests in English, reading, and mathematics to determine your level of proficiency before you can register for classes. If you already completed a comparable college course, you may be able to waive this requirement by transferring those credits. Developmental courses are available for students who need to improve their basic skills before taking college-level courses.
Online: Accuplacer Tests

Academic Advisors will then help you choose appropriate courses that meet your program requirements, assessment results, and individual circumstances. Advisors are available all year to help you keep on track and reach your academic goals.
Online: The Advising Center at 4Cs
When you are admitted into a specific degree or certificate program, and you are registered for one or more credit classes, you are a matriculated student. If you are taking credit courses but are not yet enrolled into a specific program, you are non-matriculated.